Church Training Services
“In light of the world we’re living in today, are you concerned about the physical security of your congregation, their kids (your kids) and yourself?”
– this was the first query Countermeasure posed to church leaders for our top trends survey.
{Hint: the answer is “Absolutely”!}
The Approach
We’ve discovered that many churches recognize the need for more security, have held meetings to talk about security and then done very little about their security. Countermeasure understands how churches function and the difficulty of taking that first step. Our proven approach guides leadership, trains staff/volunteers and generates peace of mind.
The Challenge
When security is discussed we immediately envision gates and walls. Every church leader and pastor we interviewed stressed the desire that their church must ALWAYS be open, inviting and inclusive. We at Countermeasure agree and have designed a plan to provide what we call “Unseen” security. This approach has proven to enhance the positive experience of every member and guest while providing a new level of protection for the church.
What You’ll Learn
You most likely have the first line of defense already in place. Your first impressions or welcome team’s duties are multifaceted. In addition to Countermeasure’s R.E.A.L training model the Countermeasure coaches prepare your Parking Lot team, your Greeters and Ushers to be outwardly focused scanning for potential threats while being welcoming to all. Our approach includes study guides, role playing opportunities and case studies.
The Answer
All the church leaders surveyed plus those who track church trends agree: Security is the number ONE issue on the hearts and minds of those involved in the church today. Countermeasure is ready to help.
In addition to personal on-site training and presentations, Countermeasure has developed a “Virtual” training webinar series that addresses the key issues regarding church security. We also have the ability to personalize these trainings to your church’s specific situation. Call or email us today for more details.
The Tools
Getting Starting
Countermeasure understands that the concept of church security may be uncomfortable and confusing to you right now. This aspect of Countermeasure’s business is more than just business for us. Besides working with churches across the country we are fully engaged in our own churches providing training and that extra measure of protection for our spouses, kids, grandkids and our church family. Please give us a call or shoot us an email. We are ready to help you take that first step.